I can't believe I never posted my book on here, but almost a year later here we are. I've always been driven towards helping friends and fellow business owners to develop their ideas and build into larger brands. It's such a fun challenge! I love thinking outside the box, getting creative, and helping other small business owners. This book was the ultimate collection of everything I learned over the past few years, and everything I should be implementing myself if not for how busy and overwhelming my life can be at times. I'm working on it, but I can at least tell people what they should ideally be doing. I talk about a lot of topics in this journal (with space to take notes and write out your own business plan), but here's the master list that goes over all of the topics:
Brand development
Legal set-up, from registration to taxes
Cost of doing business
Profit margins
Finding your ideal client
Web design
Google ranking- Search Engine Optimization
Social media development
Content creation and posting techniques
Networking and vendor shows
Manifesting basics with practice sheets
Money blocks and how to overcome them
Referral programs and client sourcing
Sales techniques
Overcoming obstacles
The psychology of pricing (including details such as font sizes and how certain numbers attract clients)
and how to find the courage to implement it all!
I hope you get so much use out of it to develop your business! Tell me what you think or leave a review on amazon :).